Dalsbygda is a great starting point for several easy walks in the valleys and up to the mountains. You are spoilt for choice: Hike to nice viewpoints, take your bike through the landscape shaped by seasonal mountain farming and pasturing, and discover historical traces linked to these activities.
Utistuvollen along the river Snudda is a child friendly and historically interesting place to visit. It is a protected seasonal mountain farm from the 1800s. For a limited period in the summer, they serve local food. See fjellfolge.no for more information.
Fosskleiva along the river Vangrøfta is easily accessed and an exciting place to visit. Here you can rest in idyllic surroundings and listen to the cascading waterfall Storfossen.

Unique cultural landscape
Vangrøftdalen and Kjurrudalen is the largest protected landscape area in connection with Forollhogna National Park. The unique cultural landscape is shaped by centuries of farming. Qualities that have led to these valleys achieving the national status of “Selected Cultural Landscapes in Agriculture”. Vegetation is rich and varied, making this area well suited for seasonal mountain farming, pasture grazing, and haymaking. Several rare and vulnerable species and biotypes depend on these activities. Ca. 25 of 130 seasonal mountain farms are still in active use, producing milk and having livestock grazing. This is unique for a protected area in Norway.
A hike to Trøenget and onwards to Langsfjellhogna is recommended if you wish to experience to old pastureland. The trail passes through the cultural landscape all the way to the tree line. There are no waymarks from the treeline to the top. At Langsfjellhogna you will get a fantastic view into the national park and across the valley. Locally, the top is also known as Synnerhogna. For more information, visit Ut.no.
Many choose starting from Såttåhaugen to reach the peak Forollhogna. Såttåhaugen is an area with active seasonal mountain farming and pasturing livestock. Show consideration and park on designated parking places to avoid hindering farm traffic. Be prepared to share the trail with livestock. Some animals may be curious and importunate, especially if you bring a dog.

Close to the World Heritage
Dalsbygda is only 22 km. from Røros and is closely connected with the area’s mining history. The hamlet and the valleys are part of the World Heritage Site, Røros Mining Town, and the Circumference. Many traces of mining activities are found here.
The main transport route from Røros to Trondheim went through Vangrøftdalen and parts of the old road, Vangrøftdalsvegen, is part of today’s pilgrim route.
Other activities
Dalsbygda is a good starting point for hunting and fishing. The area is part of what dedicated ptarmigan-hunters refer to as “the Golden Triangle”. For more information, visit iNatur.no, or Dalsbygda hunting.