About the national park
Forollhogna is placed on the border of Trøndelag and Innlandet counties. The area can be described as a mountain plateau with undulating terrain and gently sloping valley sides. A landscape which is easy to walk and peaceful, surrounded by beautiful valleys shaped by mountain farming and pasturing. This is the realm of Norway’s northernmost herd of wild reindeer.
Tourist destinations and starting points
There is much to experience in the areas surrounding the national park. Vingelen, Dalsbygda, Budal, Kvikne and Hessdalen are nice starting points for activities: Hiking trails, mountain farm roads that are ideal for biking, and great places to fish.

Advice when visiting
You are welcome to visit Forollhogna National Park! The Right to Roam allows you to use the protected areas and harvest nature’s bounty from uncultivated land. Help preserve this vulnerable area: Leave no traces, be considerate and follow rules, and regulations. For more information on protection and guidelines, read here.
wild reindeer
Forollhogna is an important living area for the wild reindeer. Europe’s last remnants of the original wild mountain reindeer live in Norway. We have an international responsibility to protect these vulnerable animals, and you can help: Keep your distance and avoid disturbing them.

Cultural heritage
Mining, Sami settlements and seasonal mountain farming: Forhollhogna has a varied and rich history. Large areas are part of the World Heritage Site, Røros Mining Town and the Circumference. Here, you can also find ancient traces of human activities: Trapping systems for wild reindeer and moose, old settlements, soapstone quarries and paths.
Cultural landscape
In the villages and valleys surrounding Forollhogna there are agricultural communities with active seasonal mountain hill farming. These areas are well suited for biking. Taste local food, learn the history of those who have lived here, and discover more of this lush landscape.

Travelling and accommodation
Visit Forollhogna and stay for a few days. For more information on how to get here and accommodation, click here.

Where is Forollhogna National Park located?
The national park is located in the municipalities of Tynes, Tolga and Os in Innlandet county, and Midtre Gauldal and Rennebu in Trøndelag county.

Nearby national parks
Dovrefjell-Sunndalsfjella national park, Femundsmarka national park and Skarvan-Roltdalen National Park.
The Right to Roam – joys and duties
When visiting the national park, you are nature’s guest. The Right to Roam gives us the right to travel freely. Still, you are obligated to be considerate, taking care not to disturb or damage any plants or animals. Leave nature as you wish to find it yourself.

Welcome to Forollhogna, take care of nature
Everyone is welcome here but help us preserve the nature! Show consideration for birds- and wildlife, and do not leave any traces. There are no tourist cabins in the protected landscape areas and few trails are waymarked. Still, it’s well suited for simple outdoor activities. Please stay on paths and trails.
Biking in Forollhogna National Park is regulated for the consideration of other users, to prevent disturbance of birds and animals, and preserve the terrain. With a few exceptions, biking is not allowed in the national park. Read more about rules and regulations.
Motorized vehicles are not allowed in the national park but may be used on roads in the protected landscape areas parts of the year. Electric bikes are defined as motorized vehicles.
Several areas in the protected landscape have no mobile phone coverage. To find out where you’ll get coverage, you can download a mobile phone coverage map before setting off.
Between 1 April and 20 August dogs are to be kept on a leash. Local rules and regulations may apply for the municipality you are visiting and must always be checked.
You may pick berries, mushrooms, and common plants for personal use.
You may pitch your tent on uncultivated land, but at least 150 meters from inhabited houses or cabins.
Make sure to not leave any garbage behind. If you need a toilet break, pick up your excrements or bring a spade and dig a small hole for them.
All Sami cultural heritage sites from before 1918, and all cultural heritage sites from before 1537 are automatically protected by Norwegian law. Do not interfere with remnants of houses and shelters, pitfall traps or cairns, and do not move stones from old walls.
Between 15 September and 15 April, you may light a fire. If there are clearly no fire hazards, small fires are allowed year-round but be aware that local regulations may apply and stay updated on these. Show consideration when gathering firewood.
Fishing and hunting is permitted but remember to buy licences for these activities.
Clothes and equipment: Weather conditions can suddenly change in both winter and summer. You are responsible for assessing the weather, travelling conditions and your own level of fitness and skills before setting off. Always bring wind- and waterproof clothing, woolly hats, and mittens when travelling in the mountain. Bring maps and a compass for navigating and consider what else is necessary for the trip you have planned.